Konami ha anunciado el bundle Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience, que se pondrá a la venta para PlayStation 4, concretamente el día el 11 de octubre en Norteamérica y el 13 de octubre en Europa, y cuyo precio será USD $49.99 / 39.99 euros.
Este pack incluirá Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Metal Gear Online y todo el DLC lanzado hasta la fecha.
A continuación os dejamos con un listado del mencionado del DLC y la portada del juego para occidente:
Misiones para Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes:
- Déjà Vu
- Jamais Vu
Items para Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain:
- Weapon: Rasp Short-Barreled Shotgun Gold
- Weapon: Maschinen Taktische Pistole 5 Weiss
- Weapon: Adam-ska Special
- Weapon: Windurger S333 Combat Special
- Shield: Personal Ballistic Shield (Gold)
- Shield: Personal Ballistic Shield (White)
- Shield: Personal Ballistic Shield (Silver)
- Shield: Personal Ballistic Shield (Olive Drab)
- Costume: Fatigues (Black Ocelot)
- Costume: Fatigues (Gray Urban)
- Costume: Fatigues (Blue Urban)
- Costume: Fatigues (All-Purpose Dryland)
- Costume: Fatigues (Naked Snake)
- Costume: Sneaking (Naked Snake)
- Costume: Tuxedo
- Costume: Sneaking suit (The Boss)
- Costume: Jumpsuit (EVA)
- Western Tack (for D-Horse)
- Parade Tack (for D-Horse)
- Cardboard Box (Rocky Terrain)
- Cardboard Box (All-Purpose Dryland)
- Cardboard Box (Wetland)
- Bionic Arm Gold
- Emblem “Venom Snake”
- Mother Base Staff (Fox)
- Mother Base Staff (Skull)
- Mother Base Staff (Canine)
- Mother Base Staff (Hound)
Items para Metal Gear Online:
- Expansion Pack: “Cloaked in Silence”
- Basic Appeal Pack
- Battle Appeal Pack
- Dance Appeal Pack
- Hero Appeal Pack
- WU S.Pistol Gold
- AM MRS-4 Gold
- Metal Gear Rex Helmet